One week left to register for the SIM4NEXUS Serious Game workhop in Paris

 width=26 April 2019 10:15-12:45 CET
Paris, ‘MyCoWork’, 5 Rue du Cloître Saint-Merri, close to “Chatelet – Les Halles”

The SIM4NEXUS project is now inviting businesses, universities and utilities to join its workshop and find out how a computer game (Serious Game) will help them to learn about the Nexus, understand and explore the interactions between water, energy, land, food, resources and management (so-called “the Nexus Component), divide the problem into manageable interventions, and allow them to learn, simply by doing.

The Nexus Business Group workshop aims to test the game and fill in the gap between potential users needs and the draft products and services so far produced by SIM4NEXUS.

Interested? More info about the event’s agenda HERE

To register, please click HERE

For further questions, please contact Alexandre Barret at or Nathalie VALLEE at


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