Regions as motors of new growth through smart specialisation



WssTP was present at the event “Regions as motors of new growth through smart specialisation – Matching strategies for common goals” that took place on 8th of November 2013 in Brussels.

Herman Van Rompuy , president of the EU Council was the keynote speaker of the event, while the first panel of the session consisted of Maire Geoghegan-Quinn ,EC Commissioner for Research and innovation, Johannes Hahn ,EC Commissioner for Regional and Urban Policy, Kris Peeters, Minister-President of Flanders and Danuta Hübner, Chair of the Committee on Regional Development.

Maire Geoghegan-Quinn and Johannes Hahn emphasized the importance of regional initiatives and smart specialization to improve innovation and competitiveness in the EU and Commissioner Hahn especially underlined that every European region independent of its location has unique characteristics to offer.

WssTP encourages regions and actors to identify their unique water-related qualities and to capitalize on them through their smart specialisation strategy.


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